Add Enkrypt to DApps

Information on connecting Enkrypt to Substrate and EVM dapps.

Brand Assets for Connections

Substrate DApps

Enkyrpt will inject itself into window.injectedWeb3 like other Substrate extensions and will be available under the key enkrypt.

Additionally, Enkrypt injects it's Substrate signer under window.enkrypt.providers.polkadot.


Enkrypt injects itself under window.enkrypt.providers.ethereum and adheres to the MetaMask RPC API.

Wagmi Connector

Enkrypt provides a wagmi compatible adapter that can be used within your existing wagmi dapps and along side other wallets.

import { EnkryptConnector } from "@enkryptcom/connector-wagmi";
import {
} from 'wagmi'

const client = createClient({
  autoConnect: true,
  connectors: [
    new EnkryptConnector({ chains: defaultChains })


Coming Soon

Rainbow Kit

Coming Soon

Last updated